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In my book, and probably many others, winter starts December 1st. Therefore autumn ends November 30th. It’s the last day of the hurricane season, most leaves have fallen off the trees, and football season is over. Well, college football is basically over. This year, my autumn was magical and colorful. It was also full of pumpkin spice coffee, pancakes, bread, donuts. It was also full of apples. Honey Crisp apples because they are my favorite. Now it is time for sugar cookies, peppermint mochas, and grandma’s infamous tamales.

The biggest game of the season for any Texas A&M fan and University of Texas fan is always on Thanksgiving. This year, the rally boots were pulled out as an exciting game pumped up Dad. Although the boots didn’t work (or fit), it was the thought that counted.

You know you work hard when steam rises off your head. Yesterday, I had the opportunity through The Daily Tar Heel to follow a guy named Harold. Harold is a refuse collector and typically gathers bulk items and dead animals. I’ve never met a happier person who is thankful to have a job these days, even if you do have to pick up “Rockies” (squirrels) or “Bambi” (I’m going to leave you to decipher that one). I’ve also never met someone with as honest a personality as Harold, either. “If something besides rainwater comes out of this toilet, I’m going to shit a brick,” he said as he moved 11 toilets from a bulk waste site.It’s people like Harold who keep society moving forward without being stopped by smelly dead animals. THANKS HAROLD:)!

Who knew Dias de Los Muertos skeletons could smile so much? I’m loving their flat bill hats and butterfly-like hip bones. I didn’t know it was possible to be so gangster with a giant smile on your face when you live on a shelf your entire life. ¡Viva la Mexico!

Where it rains yellow and red.

My world, although sometimes mindless and crazy, is a very visual place. Today, I decided to create motivation. Motivation to help me move forward with my dream of taking awesome photographs. So here it is, not through the viewfinder, but rather the viedfinder, just as I see it.