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So just as I did last year, I did the same this year for my little brother–take some killer prom pictures. He certainly lives outside the typical conventions of high school society, and therefore wanted something a little crazy…but classic.


Wyatt and his lovely girlfriend, Forrest, were fabulous models as I flashed light into their eyes, made them do silly things, and experiment with crazy lighting techniques .


Overall, Wyatt and Forrest were a lot of fun to work with and I definitely feel like all the photographs show that. If only all of them could be blogged.

My last studio assignment was a photo illustration. I decided to do a food illustration based off delicious mediterranean foods such as olives, fresh bread, parmesan, red wine, and spicy salami and other deli meats. Let’s just say I had a delicious and scrumptious dinner after my shoot. I hope to do a more conceptual illustration in the future maybe with faces and another food shoot with cupcakes, hopefully before the semester is done. But for now, please enjoy this virtual meal :).


This wine shot was fun to shoot! It did take a lot of preparation and making sure my focus was correct and lighting was overexposed just enough. A very tedious shot, but well worth it in my opinion.


This was a pleasure to look at while shooting. I really love the natural color palette of this shot and the pimentos in the olives give it just enough pop of color for me. The deep purple alphonso olives mixed with the manzanilla olives. Mmmm, I practically drooled over this until I was done.


This one lacks a focal point just a little bit in my opinion. It’s more product placement than anything with the three-buck chuck cork in the front. However, it is still one of my favorites because of its delicious nature, but definitely not something I would turn in for class.


I just love the knife. It’s epic and I had epic fun with it.


Now, go grab a snack and succumb to your cravings :).