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Advanced Photojournalism has finally come to an end. With countless hours of shooting, thousands of photographs, and extremely quick diminishing amount of space on my hard drives, I haven’t had a more exhausting but rewarding semester.

My final story follows a blended air force family in Goldsboro, N.C. as they deal with the struggles of a six month deployment of their best friend and mother.

To watch the full story check it out here on my web site.

Hello hello hello!

It has been way too long since my last blog post, but that’s about how hectic this semester has been. Since my last post, I’ve progressed to adding audio to my photo stories. This story, with a focus on the N.C. State Fair was my first. It was a rewarding experience and definitely and eye-opener with the added audio. Watch it here.

This next assignment was focused on a news event. Noting in my head that the Tea Party movement will be in history books, and after my first news assignment of covering a Marine homecoming at Cherry Point fell through, I ended up with this project. This was fun and definitely a lesson in ethics when you have politicians pushing you to report that they are running for office. Watch it here.

Either way, these two photo-audio stories taught me a lot about handling photojournalism with audio gathering and led to many long nights of editing in the Journalism school’s basement. Be on the lookout for a post of my final photo project to be posted in a few days!