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This shoot, inspired by the beauty of a dancer’s build, how light falls to accentuate muscles, my undying love of tutus, and Black Swan (in the beautiful, un-grotesque way), was magnificent. One, I could not ask for a better model. My future sister-in-law (YAY!:)), Tess, has been dancing for eleven years and is preparing for Dance for Christ, which is an annual production her studio puts on near Easter. She found some awesome tutus for the shoot and put up with my malfunctions as we shot inside as well as outside in the cold, but windless, afternoon light. The sky was magnificent, reminding me of the dreamy skies Salvador Dali painted, as the barren winter branches were silhouetted and reflected in the pond. Overall, this shoot was a huge success for me and these pictures, and Tess, are absolutely beautiful!

These first two shots were my edits for class. One inside, one outside, and both with a completely different feel.

And these last two are just in my personal edit. Tess looks so peaceful and graceful, something I am not (note: getting my soft box stuck in a chandelier).

Ahhh, the studio. LOVE. IT. By far, being in the studio is one of the most frustrating things but I have learned a lot. PLUS, I get to use my creativity to set up these shots rather than waiting on picture-perfect happenstance! WOOHOO! This shot was just a studio portrait. This is my roommate of 3 years, Laura Stoltz, and no, she is not 16, rather she is an upstanding 21-year-old. Believe it, I dare you.



And this is what happens after spending 4 hours in the studio when you are too giddy to shoot seriously and you just really want frozen yogurt.